Needs a bit of improving.
It's not bad at all, it just needs a little bit more tweaking then it will be very good.
For example:
1) There was one small spelling mistake at the start (feell).
Okay this won't improve the game, but it's first impressions.
2) The music is great, and it works well with the game, but it does end suddenly.
I would do a continuous loop, rather than leaving a game with no music.
3) You may want to add some more music, and a mute button (which can be selected via the keyboard).
4) The instructions menu is quite dull. Brighten up the use of colours, and add some detail to the background, buttons, and text.
5) It can also be fairly hard to spot the maze lines at times.
6) Make 3 or so difficulty levels. The game now would probably be at hard level.
7) I would give the user 3-5 lives.
8) Finally add a game over screen.
Well that will be all, and good luck with all your future projects :).